In the last several years, we have seen many advances in dental products and technology. While these advances are great, it leaves many of my patients asking if they still need to visit the dentist two times per year.
Typically, the answer to this question is still yes. There are several reasons why your routine check-ups are still necessary, including the following:
– Your dentist can check for problems, and spot them, before you notice or feel them develop.
– Your dentist can spot tooth decay before it becomes serious. Decay usually does not become visible or painful until it is more advanced. If spotted early, you can begin receiving fluoride treatments or start using products that contain fluoride.
– A routine check-up is a lot more than just a cleaning. There are many other exams your dentist can do, like cancer screenings, to ensure you’re staying healthy.
With this in mind, there are people who may be able to take more time in between visits. If you have taken great care of your gums and teeth, and have gone years without any oral health issues, you might fall into this group. If you think this is the case for you, consult your dentist at your next check-up to determine what schedule will give you the best results.
On the other hand, however, there is a group of people who should consider visiting the dentist more than twice per year. If you suffer from gum disease, frequent tooth decay, or suffer from excessive plaque and tartar build-up, you might want to consider visiting the dentist more often. Doing so will keep your mouth more healthy, cause you less pain, and save you time and money in the long run.
Need to schedule a dentist appointment? Haven’t been to the dentist in a while? Feel free to reach out to Dr. Van Treese in Sidney, OH to set up an appointment. Dr. Van Treese is always welcoming new patients, and wants you to have a happy and healthy smile.